Correspondence of JAMES K. POLK
My Dear Uncle,

The box which you & aunt were so kind as to send me arrived yesterday and every thing agreed with the memorandum which accompany your letter.1 The contents of the said box were very welcome, for I never saw such cold weather in my life. I nearly freeze sitting in my room by the fire. The wind comes in at the door & window just as if there was nothing to prevent it. I suppose the next letter I address to you will have to be directed to the ex President; I am glad your term has expired, for I used think you looked troubled with the press of business which was put upon you. All the good democrats say that you have done more good for the country in your term than any Pres. for a long time. I am doing better in my studies now than I did before January but I will stand lower in general merit in June than I do now, & all on account of my demerit. I did hope to send you a blank report this month but I got 8 demerit for allowing visiting whilst I was sentinel. The cadet visited without my knowledge, he was in the room when I was posted & I did not see him, but the Commandant would not accept my excuse, so I had to take the demerit. I will make another trial to get them off by going to the Superintendent. Marshall Walker sends his love to all. Tell aunt Sallie she must write to me before long.

Your aff. nephew


ALS. Polk Memorial Association, Columbia, Tenn. Addressed to Washington City.

  1. List of items, not found, enclosed in Polk to Marshall T. Polk, Jr., January 1, 1849.