Correspondence of JAMES K. POLK
My Dear Sir

We have learned with great pleasure that you design taking charleston in your way home from Washington & I can say to you in all truth & sincerity that our people will be glad to see you amongst us.

The citizens as well as the city authorities are desirous of giving you a hearty welcome & the object of this is to beg you to inform us when you may be expected to reach the City.

Your administration is now at its close & to my mind it has been a glorious one to the country & in every way honourable to yourself while to us of the South & of the true democratic faith it has been every thing that we could desire.

I ventured to predict this result when your name first appeared as a candidate for the presidency & it is with infinite gratification that Ihave found it so fully realised.

It is with pride & pleasure that Inow say this much to you at the close of your administration.

Pray let me hear from you on receipt of this.


ALS. DLC–JKP. From Polk’s AE, referring to this letter and to Conner’s other of the same date: received and answered February 26, 1849.

  1. State identified from Polk’s AE.